I made you stop, sometimes we need to do that. Life takes off and so do we, but we do that grabbing a bite here or there with no real importance about the type of fuel we are giving ourselves. We use the excuse that it is "just this one time" or "I do this so infrequently that it doesn't matter", it does matter and you need to... Stop Right Now.
I am not here to lecture you or SCREAM, although sometimes I wish I could (well maybe not at you, just in general). What I would like to do is open your eyes to the possibilities, how's that? The possibilities of a strong immune system, tons of SuperPower Energy, and an overall feeling of goodness.
Your body can only take so much, it saddens me to see many friends and family members struggling with their health, yet they blame it on chance, luck of the draw, but not the liters of soda throughout their life, the fast food runs here and there, or the overabundance of fried and refined foods.
A new year is just around the corner, this is the time for resolutions, right? It is time to break some of your old patterns and create new one that will actually SuperCharge your health and well-being.
Stop Right Now... Put Down the Cookie!
Food is pretty simple, you need carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables for immediate energy and loads of vitamins and minerals, then you need quality proteins to keep that energy in your system longer (I call this cruise control), and then, yup, you need quality fats to act as a back up battery and provide energy when you run out of calories.
Remember QUALITY FAT WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT, the good fats like raw nuts and seeds, wild salmon, cold-pressed unrefined olive, coconut, or avocado oil, or even a grass fed organic ghee. All these will actually help reduce inflammation, nurture your skin and hair, and even your disposition. Refined and manufactured carbohydrates is what WILL put weight on our bodies and WILL produce inflammation.
Quality food choices can actually make us feel better, but here is the thing...you think you feel great now, what if I told you it could be better? That's a hard concept because right now you think you feel pretty awesome. But what if there was BETTER?
So as you begin to reflect on what the new year will bring you and the changes you want to instill, remember that food is FUEL and if you want to enhance your energy, health, and overall well-being, there is no "small bit here or there", fuel your body for success, period! Make each bite count towards a strong immune system, tons of energy, and a zest for life. That, my friends, is the best gift you can give yourself and your family!
With Love and Light,
PS - SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness - Have you purchased my NEW book yet. I wrote it with so much love for all of my multi-tasking crazy friends that need a bit more self care in their lives. I wrote it with super easy techniques to bring in exercise, great food, relaxation, and even a few giggles into your day to day. If not for you, maybe for a friend or relative.
Buy it TODAY and email me the receipt number and I will give you access to my 6 top home workout videos, and a 30 minute consultation via phone or skype with me (that is a $200 value). CLICK HERE to purchase, and send me an email to let me know - info@AditaLang.com.
Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we need to spread the love. Thank You!
©Copyright 2018, Adita Lang
Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition, both through Coaching and Public Speaking. Feel free to email me: info@AditaLang.com
For recipes, and more visit me at www.AditaLang.com