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Year of the SuperPowers!

Adita Yrizarry-Lang

How is your year going? You know, they say that January 17 is the cut off for New Year’s resolutions. Are you still on point? January is a great time to make changes that can impact your life forever. It’s a pity to waste that time, so make it a point to stay on task, keeps on your goals, and make this a SuperPower year.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a simple goal is not really enough but it’s that feeling that you have when you reach your endgame that really makes the impact. I want you to truly think about what it's going to feel like when you reach that goal. Are you going to be more energized, are you going to feel happier, or is it something that will change your world, only you know the answer to this.

We have more resources than ever to truly reach our goals. The Internet is full of all sorts of free information, guides, and coaching sessions to keep you on track.

If you’re looking to change your Health here are my top SuperPower tips for this year:

1. Watch your sugar, flour, dairy, and alcohol. It all breaks down and metabolizes as a sugar and too much sugar is only going to keep you looking forwards to the next diet. Let’s get lean once and for all, decrease these and watch how your energy levels skyrocket.

2. Get a MoveOn, yes I mean get a move on! You have to move your body 150 to 300 minutes per week, and that means increasing your heart rate and breaking into a sweat. The great thing is that it doesn’t need to be consecutive minutes so break it up to fit your day. Start your morning with a few exercises, take your afternoon lunch outside and add in a walk, and then finish yourself off in the afternoon. It’s up to you to get those minutes in.

3. Surround yourself with positive and inspirational motivation each day. I start my day with either meditation or listening to a wonderful motivational speech to leave me charged and ready to go and conquer my day. Find what works for you, but the more positive things you listen to, the more your brain will crave it, and the better you will feel.

4. Eat to feel satisfied, not full. Those days of over eating and stuffing yourself are long gone. All they did for you was to make you feel slow and sluggish, maybe even with an upset stomach. And of course weight gain was just an automatic. So for this year make your portions smaller, remember that food is only fuel, so there’s no need to stuff yourself beyond.

5. Sleep like the queen or king you are. Sleep is so imperative for weight loss, for energy, and for mental clarity. If you hit the snooze button too many times in the morning, you actually delay your mental alertness by four hours. You might think you’re alert but you could actually be even better, more mental clear, and full of a lot more inspiration, just think about it.

I am always here to help, so if you would like to meet live or via Skype, send me a note and let's make it happen.

One more thing, Have you purchased my new book SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness? I have something special for you...Buy the digital version of my book TODAY, which include 6 of my streaming workout videos, and I will give you 50% off. Use Coupon Code SUPERPOWER50 ORDER HERE.

With Peace, Love, and Health,


Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we need to spread the love. Thank You!

©Copyright 2019, Adita Lang

Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition, both through Coaching and Public Speaking. Feel free to email me:

For recipes, and more visit me at


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